Franklin Carbon STK – Premium Padel Racket Specs

Franklin Carbon STK

The Franklin Carbon STK isn’t just any padel racket. It’s a high-end paddle that offers the perfect mix of power and precision for the best play. Its textured carbon fiber surface helps with precise ball placement and spin. This gives players an advantage on the court.

This racket comes in two thickness choices – 14.5mm and 17mm. It’s designed to be easy to handle and comfortable to hold during games. The racket’s long shape helps players hit strong ground-strokes and smash overhead shots, boosting their game.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Franklin Carbon STK is a premium padel racket that offers a perfect balance of power and control.
  • It features a textured carbon fiber surface for optimal ball placement and spin.
  • The racket is available in two thickness options – 14.5mm and 17mm.
  • Its middleweight design and large grip provide excellent maneuverability and comfort.
  • The elongated shape of the racket allows for powerful ground-strokes and overhead shots.

Key Features of the Franklin Carbon STK

The Franklin Carbon STK paddle stands out for padel players. It boasts a Toray T700 Carbon Fiber surface for great control and power. This surface also has a special texture. It helps with a strong grip for precise shots. You can pick from two thicknesses – 14.5mm or 17mm. This choice lets you control how the paddle feels in your game.

The design makes sure you get lots of power in your swings. It helps with hitting the ball hard, whether it’s a ground-stroke or an overhead shot. The paddle has a comfy grip too. This soft grip cuts down on the paddle’s vibration, making your game smoother.

“The Franklin Carbon STK paddle offers a perfect balance of power and control. The carbon fiber surface provides a solid grip, while the elongated shape delivers impressive power on every shot. It’s a game-changer!” – Professional Padel Player

Are you new to padel or already a pro? The Franklin Carbon STK paddle will make your game better. Its well-thought-out design and top-quality material ensure you perform your best. It’s great for padel players at all skill levels.

Performance Summary of the Franklin Carbon STK

The Franklin Carbon STK is great for control and power. It finds the right balance, helping players make precise shots with enough force to win points. The textured surface of the paddle aids in adding spin to the ball, allowing for more strategy in play.

However, the paddle’s sweet spot is small. Players need to hit the ball in the center for the best performance. If you miss, your shot might not go as planned.

This paddle is designed for control. It gives players a consistent experience. This means you can place your shots just where you want them. The grip and handle make it easy to move and feel comfortable throughout the game.

Though it shines in control and power, the Franklin Carbon STK might not suit everyone. Players who want a bigger sweet spot may need something different. But, if you’re after control, power, and spin, this paddle is a solid option.

Design and Technology of the Franklin Carbon STK

The Franklin Carbon STK padel racket shines with its innovative design and top tech. It offers players high performance on the court. Critical features ensure better control and gameplay.

Franklin Carbon STK Design

Carbon Fiber Surface for Enhanced Grip and Control

The Franklin Carbon STK has a carbon fiber surface for top grip and control. Its texture lets players hold it tightly, avoiding slips. This improves shot accuracy and performance.

Durable and Lightweight Construction

This racket is made with carbon fiber, blending strength with lightness. It holds up well but is still easy to swing. This mix makes quick reactions and strong hits easier.

Polymer Honeycomb Core for Responsiveness

Its polymer honeycomb core boosts responsiveness and feel. This tech helps transfer energy well when hitting the ball. Players get a good blend of power and finesse.

Elongated Shape for Increased Power

The Franklin Carbon STK’s long shape ups its power. This gives players more leverage and strength in shots. It’s great for offense, allowing for powerful plays.

Cushioned Grip for Comfort and Reduced Vibrations

Player comfort is key with the Franklin Carbon STK. Its cushioned grip lowers vibrations and shock. This means less wrist fatigue and more focus on play.

The Franklin Carbon STK is a top choice for those who want a high-performing, durable, and comfy padel racket. Its design combines power, control, and ease perfectly.

Comparison with Other Top Tier Carbon Fiber Paddles

When we look at the Franklin Carbon STK against other top carbon fiber paddles, it clearly stands its ground. It might not be the best in every way, but it strikes a good balance between control and power. This makes it a solid pick for players who want consistent play.

The Franklin Carbon STK’s sweet spot is a bit smaller than some others. Yet, it lets players place their shots well. The spin it offers is average, enough for players to influence the ball’s path. Even so, it might not have the power of some 14.5mm paddles out there.

Despite these minor drawbacks, the Franklin Carbon STK shines in maneuverability. Its design leads to quick, precise moves on the court. Being lightweight and well-balanced helps players adjust shots and move around the court with ease.

In terms of price, the Franklin Carbon STK is in the mid-range among top carbon fiber paddles. Its strong performance at this price point makes it a compelling choice for those seeking value without spending a lot.

Paddle Sweet Spot Spin Power Maneuverability Price
Franklin Carbon STK Slightly smaller Average Good balance Excellent Mid-range
Competitor A Large High High Good High-end
Competitor B Medium Low High Good Mid-range

Key Takeaways:

  • The Franklin Carbon STK offers a good balance between control and power.
  • It has a slightly smaller sweet spot, but still provides good shot placement.
  • The paddle generates average spin and may not be as powerful as some other 14.5mm paddles.
  • However, its maneuverability and lightweight design compensate for these limitations.
  • The Franklin Carbon STK falls within the mid-range in terms of price, offering great value for its performance.

Compared to other top tier carbon fiber paddles, the Franklin Carbon STK stands out. It offers balanced performance, great maneuverability, and an appealing price. This makes it a strong option in the market.

Specifications of the Franklin Carbon STK

The Franklin Carbon STK paddle has features that boost its use in the game. Here are the main details:

  • Weight: 7.6-7.9 ounces
  • Handle Length: 5.6 inches
  • Paddle Length: 16.5 inches
  • Core Material: Enhanced Polymer Core
  • Surface Material: Carbon Fiber Surface
  • Paddle Width: 7.5 inches
  • Grip Size: 4 1/4 inches (may vary up to 1/8″)
  • Core Thickness: 14.5mm
  • Origin: Made in China

The Franklin Carbon STK paddle mixes power, control, and durability just right. Its weight and size make it easy to handle.

The materials like the polymer core and carbon fiber make it perform well. This makes it a great choice for any player looking to improve their game. It’s a top pick for padel lovers.

Frankinstein Carbon STK Specifications

Pricing and Availability of the Franklin Carbon STK

The Franklin Carbon STK paddle has a price of $149.99. You can buy it on the official Franklin website, and from other online shops too. It offers a 30-day return policy for unhappy customers.

This paddle is loved by both pro and amateur players. It’s in high demand in the market.

Looking for a padel racket upgrade? The Franklin Carbon STK is a top choice. At $149.99, it offers great value for its performance. It brings control and power to players at all levels. It’s perfect for both seasoned pros and casual players.

Finding the Franklin Carbon STK is easy. It’s sold on the Franklin site and by various online retailers. On the Franklin site, you can learn all about its specs and features.

Ordering the Franklin Carbon STK online is easy and convenient. With its popular status, it’s best to order quickly. This ensures you get your paddle without delay. Don’t miss your chance at this excellent padel racket!

The Franklin Carbon STK paddle is a great choice for any padel player. It’s a smart buy because of its quality features and market demand. Boost your game with the Franklin Carbon STK!

Customer Reviews of the Franklin Carbon STK

People who’ve tried the Franklin Carbon STK paddle love its performance and quality. They say it’s great at balancing control with power. It also helps players add spin to the ball. This helps them play better and win more games.

“The Franklin Carbon STK has been a game-changer for me. It lets me control my shots and hit with power. Plus, I can now easily spin the ball, which surprises my opponents.”

– Mary Thompson, Advanced Padel Player

Some users have noted that the paddle’s sweet spot is small. This means players might need time to get used to it. But once they do, they love how consistent and high-quality it is.

The Franklin Carbon STK is loved by many, from newbies to pros. Its ability to balance power, control, and spin is why. It’s seen as a valuable asset by padel players everywhere.


The Franklin Carbon STK is a top-notch padel racket. It shines for players who want control and power. The racket’s carbon fiber surface ups grip and spin for sharp, reliable shots. Also, its polymer core makes it responsive and tough, promising long-term value on the court.

Though its sweet spot is a bit small, the Franklin Carbon STK remains precise. It lets players hit their mark every time, boosting their confidence. This paddle is light and comfy to hold, making it great for every player, whether you’re a newbie or a pro.

This paddle is a hit among padel enthusiasts for its high-end qualities. It enhances control, power, and play, making a real difference in games. Choosing the Franklin Carbon STK could be your game-changer on the court.


What are the key features of the Franklin Carbon STK?

The Franklin Carbon STK paddle features premium Toray T700 Carbon Fiber. This provides a nice balance of control and power. Its textured finish helps with grip and accurate shots.The paddle comes in two thickness options, 14.5mm and 17mm. Its elongated shape boosts power. For comfort, it has a cushioned grip.

How does the Franklin Carbon STK perform on the court?

On the court, the Franklin Carbon STK gives exceptional control and power. The carbon fiber surface adds spin. Yet, the sweet spot is small, which may affect shot distance.It’s known as a control paddle, providing consistent touch. The grip size and handle length make it easy to maneuver and comfortable to hold during play.

What is the design and technology behind the Franklin Carbon STK?

The Franklin Carbon STK uses a textured carbon fiber surface for better grip and control. It’s durable and lightweight, ideal for court performance.Its polymer honeycomb core ensures responsiveness and durability. The elongated shape enhances power, while the cushioned grip minimizes vibrations and increases comfort.

How does the Franklin Carbon STK compare to other top tier carbon fiber paddles?

Compared to other top tier carbon fiber paddles, the Franklin Carbon STK stands out for its balance of control and power. Its sweet spot is on the smaller side, but it offers dependable shot placement.It might not be as powerful as some 14.5mm paddles. Yet, its control and maneuverability make it a reliable choice for players seeking a trustworthy paddle.

What are the specifications of the Franklin Carbon STK?

The Franklin Carbon STK paddle weighs between 7.6-7.9 ounces. It has a handle length of 5.6 inches and a paddle length of 16.5 inches.The core is made of enhanced polymer, and the surface is carbon fiber. It’s 7.5 inches wide with a 4 1/4 inch grip size, which may vary slightly. Its core thickness is 14.5mm, and it’s produced in China.

What is the price and availability of the Franklin Carbon STK?

Priced at 9.99, the Franklin Carbon STK paddle is available on the official Franklin site and other online stores. Comes with a 30-day return policy for customer satisfaction.It’s sought after by both professional and amateur players. The demand for this paddle is high in the market.

What do customers say about the Franklin Carbon STK?

Users of the Franklin Carbon STK paddle are mostly happy with it. They like the balanced control and power, plus the spin it generates.Some say the sweet spot is small, but it becomes reliable with use. Overall, the feedback from players of all levels has been positive.

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