JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus: Top Pickleball Paddle

JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus

Did you know the right pickleball paddle can change how you play? It’s true for both new and experienced players. A paddle that gives you control, power, and easy handling can improve your game. The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus does just that.

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus is a leading paddle made for top-notch play and accuracy. Backed by pro player Ben Johns, it offers great control and easy movement on the court. Its thermoformed design is different from others, making it light and comfortable to use. It’s a favorite among players who want quality.

Key Takeaways:

  • The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus is a top pickleball paddle endorsed by professional player Ben Johns.
  • It aims for the best in game performance and precision, giving outstanding control and agility.
  • With its unique thermoformed construction, it feels lighter and offers a better touch.
  • For those seeking a top-tier paddle for both control and strength, consider the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus.
  • Customers have given great feedback, noting its effectiveness and comfort in play.

Ben Johns Signature Paddle

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus is Ben Johns’ signature paddle. He worked with JOOLA to create it for competitive play. This paddle balances control and power well, making precise shots easier. Ben Johns uses it in his professional matches.

Ben Johns: A Professional Player’s Perspective

Ben Johns values the right equipment for his style and high performance. He helped design the Ben Johns Perseus with JOOLA for competitive players.

This paddle is made with care. Its design boosts control for accurate shots. It also has enough power for fast, spinning shots.

“The Ben Johns Perseus paddle is an extension of my playing style and ability. It gives me the control and power I need to execute my shots with confidence and precision. It’s a paddle that I trust, and it has become an integral part of my game.” – Ben Johns

The Ben Johns Perseus reflects Ben Johns’ expertise. It is built for performance in high-level play. Players using this paddle will see great results on the court.

JOOLA Ben Johns Equipment: A Winning Combination

The Perseus paddle is part of the JOOLA Ben Johns line. This collection is made for competitive play. Using several pieces from this line helps players enhance their performance.

Choosing the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus and other items from the collection offers players a smooth combo. This harmony improves their game. It helps them focus on strategy and playing better.

A Visual Representation: Ben Johns Perseus Paddle

Feature Description
Blade Material Advanced composite material for optimal control and power
Weight 8 ounces for a balanced feel
Handle Length 5.5″ with a comfortable circumference of 4.125″
Blade Dimensions 16.5″ x 7.5″ for optimal shot coverage
Technology Thermoformed construction for lighter weight and improved maneuverability
Endorsement Designed in collaboration with professional player Ben Johns

Thermoformed Technology

The JOOLA Perseus paddle is changing pickleball with its new thermoformed technology. Traditional paddles are often heavy and not flexible, but the Perseus paddle is lighter and offers a better feel. This makes it a top choice for players who want both power and control.

Thermoformed technology allows the Perseus paddle to be easier to handle. JOOLA uses advanced materials to create a balance of weight and performance. The paddle is comfortable to hold, making shots easier and more precise.

The Perseus paddle gives players an advantage. Its lighter weight and better handling mean players can move faster in intense games. This improves performance on the court.

JOOLA is known for its innovative designs, and the Perseus paddle is no exception. Its unique technology makes it a standout in the pickleball world. Players can count on its advanced design to improve their game.

Thermoformed Technology Comparison

JOOLA Perseus Paddle Traditional Paddles
Weight Lighter Heavier
Maneuverability Better Less agile
Comfort Enhanced Less ergonomic
Performance Superior control and power Variable

Control and Power

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus is a pickleball paddle that focuses on control. It lets players make accurate shots with great control and finesse.

This paddle isn’t just about control. It also packs a powerful punch, making it great for offense. This combination makes the Perseus a top choice for players who want both features in their game.

The Perseus paddle’s design and technology are top-notch. They give players the confidence to hit the ball hard and accurately.

Both new and experienced players love the Perseus paddle. It’s perfect for anyone wanting to get better or for those who need a dependable paddle. The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus mixes control and power perfectly, making it stand out.

Player Testimonial:

“The control and power of the Perseus paddle are unmatched. It’s amazing how effortlessly I can maneuver the ball precisely and generate enough power to win points. Truly a game-changer!” – Emily, Competitive Pickleball Player

Forgiveness and Sweet Spot Size

The JOOLA Perseus paddle is known for great control and power. But, its forgiveness and sweet spot size are also key. The sweet spot is the paddle area that gives the best feel and consistency when hitting the ball. A paddle’s forgiveness shows how well it performs even when you don’t hit the ball perfectly in the sweet spot.

Compared to others, the Perseus paddle’s sweet spot is a bit smaller. For the best outcomes, players must place their shots more accurately. If you’re new and tend to miss hitting the ball correctly, this smaller sweet spot can be more of a challenge.

Yet, skilled players might not find the smaller sweet spot a problem. Their consistent and precise shots mean the smaller sweet spot doesn’t affect their game much.

When choosing the JOOLA Perseus paddle, think about your skill level, how you play, and what you prefer. Some players want a bigger sweet spot for more room to make errors, but others focus on control and precise shot-making.

sweet spot size

Player Testimonials

“The Perseus paddle’s smaller sweet spot needed some getting used to. But, it really helped improve the control and accuracy of my shots,” says Emily, a competitive player.

“Starting out, the smaller sweet spot of the Perseus paddle was tough for me. Yet, it pushed me to better my shot placement and skills. My play got a lot more accurate,” Michael, a hobby player, shares.

Comparison Table: Sweet Spot Size and Forgiveness of Select Pickleball Paddles

Paddle Model Sweet Spot Size Forgiveness Rating
JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus Smaller 83%
Paddle A Average 90%
Paddle B Larger 95%
Paddle C Larger 88%

Note: Forgiveness ratings reflect paddle performance, including its sweet spot, build, and materials.

Performance Stats

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus pickleball paddle shines on the court with its outstanding performance. It has a 93% rating in control and feel, letting players make precise shots easily. This paddle also has a strong impact, boasting an 81% power rating.

Additionally, it’s great for adding spin to the ball, with a 91% rating in that area. Yet, it’s slightly less forgiving, having an 83% rating. This means players should aim their shots more carefully.

“The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus paddle stands out for its remarkable performance. Its high ratings in control, power, and spin enable players to play with confidence. However, its forgiveness rating is a bit lower. So, players need to focus on shot accuracy to fully benefit from this paddle’s features.”

Here’s a detailed look at the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus paddle’s specs:

Performance Aspect Rating
Control and Feel 93%
Power 81%
Spin 91%
Forgiveness 83%

This table summarizes the performance of the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus paddle. It excels in control, power, and spin, but is a tad less forgiving than others.

Paddle Specs

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus paddle is designed with players in mind. Its specs make gameplay balanced and dependable. You’ll enjoy a great playing experience.


The Perseus paddle weighs an average of 8 ounces. This weight helps players keep control and move easily during play. It strikes the perfect balance between power and quick response, boosting player confidence.


Its swingweight is set at 117 for smooth and precise swings. This makes it easier for players to handle the paddle and hit accurately.


It measures 16.5″ long and 7.5″ wide. This size gives players a good area to hit the ball. The 5.5″ handle and 4.125″ circumference ensure a comfortable and firm grip.


At 16mm thick, the Perseus paddle feels solid and stable in hand. Its durability makes it suitable for intense games.

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus paddle specs cater to competitive players perfectly. Its well-balanced weight, swingweight, size, and thickness help players perform their best. It’s comfortable and reliable for every match.

Specification Value
Weight 8 ounces
Swingweight 117
Size (Length x Width) 16.5″ x 7.5″
Handle Length 5.5″
Handle Circumference 4.125″
Thickness 16mm

Price and Availability

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus is a top pickleball paddle, great for improving your game. It costs $249.95. But, you can get 10% off with the code 10EFFECT at checkout. This makes it a great deal for serious players.

Finding the Perseus paddle is easy. You can buy it online from the JOOLA website or from authorized shops. This easy process means all players can buy the Perseus paddle fast.

The paddle is famous thanks to its high tech and endorsement by Ben Johns. It’s a must-have for players who want more precision and power in their shots. Try the Perseus paddle and feel the difference in your game.

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus: A top-notch pickleball paddle for precision gameplay.

Customer Reviews

People love the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus. They say it’s built in a unique way. This makes it light and easy to move around on the court. It gives players the right mix of control and strength.

A happy player said, “The Ben Johns Perseus paddle has changed my game. Its design and build make it simple to use. I can hit accurate shots, thanks to its perfect balance of control and power.”

“I worried about the smaller sweet spot at first. But after trying the Perseus paddle, that worry vanished. Its control and feel outweighed my concern, and it’s now my favorite.”

Many enjoy the comfy handle and feel of the Perseus during games. Its design makes sure you can hold it well, helping you stay in charge during exciting games.

The Ben Johns Perseus has earned great feedback for its performance and quality. Those seeking a top-quality pickleball paddle will find the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus perfect. It excels in both control and power.

Ben Johns Perseus review

Competitive Advantage

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus paddle gives pickleball players an edge. It features innovative technology and a collaboration with pro Ben Johns. It shines with its light weight and better maneuverability.

This paddle’s thermoformed construction makes it unique, blending control with power. Players see great control and strong power, receiving high praise from many.

With Ben Johns involved, the Perseus paddle meets the tough demands of competitive play. His know-how shapes its design, readying it for serious matches.

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus stands out with its tech, build, and a pro’s backing. All these make the Perseus paddle a sought-after choice for players wanting quality and performance.

Competitive Advantages of JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus Paddle Competitors
JOOLA Perseus technology for lighter weight and enhanced maneuverability Traditional paddles with heavier weight and less maneuverability
Unique thermoformed construction for a balance of control and power Conventional paddles lacking the same blend of control and power
Professional player endorsement by Ben Johns Lack of professional player input in the design process
Positive customer reviews highlighting performance capabilities Less favorable customer feedback regarding control and power

What Sets JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus Apart?

“The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus paddle combines cutting-edge technology with the expertise of a professional player. Its lighter weight and enhanced maneuverability give players a competitive edge, while the thermoformed construction delivers the perfect balance of control and power.”


The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus is a superb pickleball paddle for both control and power. It uses advanced thermoformed technology. Professional player Ben Johns endorses it, showing it’s a top choice.

Its construction is unique, and performance is outstanding. But, it has a smaller sweet spot with less forgiveness. Yet, it’s great for control, maneuvering, and feel during the game.

Players wanting a top-quality paddle will like the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus. Its control and power mix is perfect for those who focus on precision. Ben Johns’s endorsement and the thermoformed technology make it stand out.

To sum up, the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus ranks high among pickleball paddles. It gives players control and power for a better game. Thanks to its design, technology, and Ben Johns’s endorsement, it’s a prime choice for enhancing pickleball skills.


What is the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus?

The JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus is a top pickleball paddle. It’s designed for peak performance and precision.

Who endorses the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus paddle?

Professional player Ben Johns endorses the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus paddle.

What technology does the JOOLA Perseus paddle feature?

The JOOLA Perseus paddle uses thermoformed technology.

What category does the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus fall into?

It falls into the control category of pickleball paddles.

Does the JOOLA Perseus paddle have any limitations?

Yes, the JOOLA Perseus paddle’s sweet spot is slightly smaller. This may be more noticeable for lower-level players.

What are the performance stats of the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus?

It offers a control and feel rating of 93%, power 81%. Spin rating is 91%, and forgiveness 83%.

What are the specs of the JOOLA Perseus paddle?

It weighs an average of 8 ounces. It has a swingweight of 117. Dimensions are 16.5″ x 7.5″, handle length 5.5″. Circumference is 4.125″.

What is the price of the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus?

It is priced at 9.95.

Where can I purchase the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus?

It’s available online through authorized retailers and the JOOLA website.

What do customers say about the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus?

Customers give positive reviews. They praise its unique construction, control, power, and handle comfort.

What sets the JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus apart from its competitors?

Its unique thermoformed technology. Also, professional player Ben Johns helped design it.

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